The Effects of Stress On Your Skin and How to Reduce Them
Our skin is the largest organ of the body and is controlled by our immune and nervous systems. The mind-skin connection has been discovered and well-researched. Studies show our brain and skin communicate with each other and that when we're under stress, both release stress hormones that can negatively impact the skin. This can lead to a vicious cycle of stress-induced inflammation, dehydration and wrinkle formation, premature cellular ageing and even skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne.
This is why at Peace & Pure, besides focusing on creating high-performance skincare products, we also focus on promoting emotional well-being. To help you reduce stress and its impact on your skin, we recommend you to try below tried and tested methods, if you find yourself a bit off balance lately:
Practice meditation.
Meditation is an excellent practice for improving mood, coping with pain, and even sharpening your memory. If you are new to meditation and don't know how to start, try a guided meditation. It’s a great way to distance yourself from the stress of day-to-day life and stay centred. There are many guided meditations available on the internet that can help you find 5 minutes of centred relaxation.
Get enough sleep
Getting more rest can balance stress hormones in your body. Sleep is critical in restoring balance to the body and its ever-so-complicated systems. When we don't get adequate rest, our brain behaves as if it's in distress. It is recommended that we get 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily to lower our stress levels. Our top tip: try to avoid screens 20 minutes before bedtime, as blue light suppresses the release of melatonin, making it difficult for you to wind down.
Eat well
Making sure we have a healthy and balanced diet not only supports the immune system and repairs damaged skin cells, but it also provides extra energy for your body to cope with stressful events. Having omega-3 fats and vegetables has been proven to help regulate stress hormones. Eating a handful of walnuts daily is an easy way to boost your omega-3 intake and promote brain health in your diet.
Set clear boundaries
Setting clear boundaries may not be easy, especially with people who are close to us. Being assertive and letting loved ones know where your limits are can be a stressful process. But setting boundaries doesn’t have to mean separating yourself from others. Instead, when you learn how to set boundaries with family or friends, it can help you establish healthy ways to stay connected while staying true to yourself and removing unnecessary stress. Our top tip: Identify your limits, what you’re willing to accept and what you aren’t. Setting clear boundaries is worth it for yourself and gaining respect from others, allows you to develop a positive sense of independence while engage in healthy, positive connections.
Talk to someone
Talking to someone helps relieve stress. Getting outside perspectives on your stressors can help you break the situation down and stop you from feeling overwhelmed and alone. Without talking to someone, tension can build up and manifest in ways that aren't beneficial for you or others. Choose someone willing to listen and let you lighten the load. In certain situations when speaking to family and friends is not the best option, we always recommend speaking to a professional therapist who can provide neutral and effective guidance.
Exercise daily
Exercise is key for your healthy body just as it is for your mind. If you haven’t exercised regularly, the first steps can feel more like work than fun. But soon enough, if exercise is done regularly, you will begin to enjoy it and even depend on it for your wellbeing. Our top tip: Find exercises that you enjoy. Ultimately it’s about getting your body moving, whether that be cardio, yoga, pilates or strength training. It brings remarkable changes to your body, metabolism, heart and spirit. It is a great way for you to exhilarate, relax and counter stress.
We all have experienced stress. Pressure from day-to-day life is almost inevitable, such as an increased workload, a transitional period, an argument you have with someone or health, financial worries etc can all lead to stress. But we can always manage and reduce stress by applying useful tools like those mentioned above.
Which ways tend to help you to relieve stress? We'd love to hear your comments too.